10 Natural Treatments for Hot Flashes

Hot Flashes are the most common symptoms as a result of transition of menopause, the time when a woman’s menstrual periods come to a stop. Hot Flashes are normally accompanied by sudden feelings of warmth, which may redden the skin (blushing effect) over the neck, face or chest. Some women tend to sweat while in some women it leaves them chilled. Though these symptoms are common, their frequency varies from person to person and they can become quite irritating. There are a variety of home treatments for Hot Flashes, some of which are detailed below.

Black cohosh

Black cohosh has been effectively used as remedy for menstrual cramps and symptoms of menopause for close to 200 years. It is extracted from the root of the black cohosh plant, a tall flowering plant found in the eastern parts of North America. A member of the buttercup family, its roots have been used for medicinal purposes for decades. These days it is widely used to combat hot flashes, irritability, mood swings and sleep disturbances as well. The effective use of black cohosh has been confirmed on women who do not wish to undergo hormone replacement therapy. Black cohosh can be taken in tablet form or the root mixed with water to make a tea. Even though use of herbs is considered a time honoured method to help treating body disease, black cohosh treatment should always be done under the supervision of a health care provider.

Diet adjustments

Hot Flashes and night sweating happen due to the fluctuating estrogen levels interfering with the temperature of the body. Eating the right diet can help stabilise these shifting hormones and reduce the flushing and sweating. A Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains is a source of plenty of fibre which has been linked to lower estrogen levels, by the possible stabilisation of the levels of blood of the hormones insulin and cortisol in the body.

Stress control

Hot Flashes are strongly linked with stress and anxiety. As menopause itself is a stressful event in the phase of life, it attributes to hot flashes, especially before and after the menopause period. Women with high level of stress often report heightened attacks of hot flashes by almost five times. Chronic stress can be harmful to our mental and physical health as stress itself is a reaction of the body to a certain demand which cannot be met. It is clear, therefore, that women can control these unpleasant symptoms by implementing lifestyle changes and stress management and relaxation techniques.

Vitamin E

Menopause brings a lot of physical changes which can be discomforting but that does not mean that you are powerless to combat them. It is best to support your body with vitamins during this period of transition and vitamin E has been found to be most effective. Not only does it control menopause but it treats heart palpitations, fatigue, dizziness and insomnia as well. Vitamin E contains quantities of estrogen which easily explains its potential as an eliminator of hot flashes. Vitamin E is found abundantly in unprocessed vegetable oils, like sunflower, soybean and corn oil, nuts, seeds, leafy green vegetables, fruits etc. In tablet form a starting dose of 200 to 400 IU, gradually increased to 800 to 1600 IU over a period of six weeks will give good results.

Evening primrose oil

This oil extracted from the seeds of the evening primrose plant, found across the USA, is extremely beneficial in treating a wide array of common ailments ranging from skin disorders, arthritis and heart disease. Evening primrose oil contains fatty acids, which help decrease inflammation and is widely used by women for treating menopausal hot flashes. This oil is available in capsule form and needs to be carefully stored under refrigeration to prevent spoilage. A dose of 2 to 8 grams daily, divided into several doses is sufficient for good results without any side effects. It is best to consult your doctor as you approach menopause to decide if the oil may be helpful for you.


Being high in phytoestrogens, flaxseed is considered one of the most powerful plant foods on the planet found in most foods today from crackers to oatmeal. The three primary health components of flaxseed are omega 3 fatty acids, lignans and fiber. A dosage of 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed consumed with cereal, juice or yogurt and repeated twice a day reduces the intensity of hot flashes drastically within a period of just two weeks. Remember to grind it because, if eaten whole, it is likely to pass through the intestinal tract undigested, thus depriving the body of its health benefits. Flaxseed is not a magic medicine which can guarantee good health, however, constantly making good dietary choices will improve the overall healthy lifestyle.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very useful for treating hot flashes. The raw, pure apple cider vinegar helps regulate the toxins that the body tries to get rid of during perspiration at the time of hot flash occurrence, which in turn reduces the intensity of the attacks. Simply mix two tablespoons of organic and unfiltered apple cider vinegar with water or juice and consume twice daily till symptoms ease off.


The tiny, but mighty soybean is a virtual nutritional powerhouse. The isoflavone supplements in soy foods help balance hormone levels over a period of time. Soybeans and soy products such as tempeh and tofu have great health giving properties as they contain phytochemicals as well which have antioxidant benefits too. In addition to their estrogenic property, soy isoflavones promote healthy cholesterol levels without lowering the HDL or good cholesterol. Taken in capsule form an initial dose of 2 to 3 capsules per day is recommended which can be gradually reduced to 1 to 2 capsules after symptoms have subsided.


Sage is an old and time tested remedy for hot flashes. Sage contains flavonoids, volatile oils and tannins that promote overall health and reduce the symptoms of hot flashes. Add a tablespoon of fresh sage leaves to a cup of boiling water, let it steep and strain after 5 minutes. Mix some lemon and honey and consume twice a day for best results.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B along with its components can regulate the hormones like estrogen and progesterone. It helps in keeping the vagina healthy and relieves anxiety. Fish, whole grain breads, legumes, avocado are foods rich in Vitamin B. It also acts as a good antioxidant in combination with vitamin E. Vitamin B2, releases a variety of hormones including estrogens and is found in milk and eggs. Vitamin B3, also helps with the production of estrogens and other sex hormones. It is beneficial for premenstrual headaches. If you are using Vitamin B for hot flashes, remember to use it in the form of niacin known as niacinamide and no other as they can worsen hot flashes, rather than relieve them.