10 Slimming Tips to Get You Summer Ready

The countdown is on! With just a few months until summer, you’ll soon be shedding the layers in favor of shots, tank tops and swimsuits.  However, if your best laid weight loss plans aren’t working out the way you’d hoped, you still have time!

1. Shun Processed Foods

Say goodbye to the days of pulling into the nearest drive through on your way home from work or snacking on a bag of chips when you’re hungry. Instead of eating processed foods, eat fresh, whole foods.

2. Eat More Meals at Home

Make a pact with yourself to eat your weekday meals from home. And if you work out of the house, brown bag lunch it. Not only will save money, but you’ll reduce sodium, fat, and calorie intake too.

3. Go on a Drinking Hiatus

Not only should you forgo the sugary cocktails, but make a point of limiting alcohol consumption to a few glasses of wine or clear cocktails and soda per week, maximum.

4. Stick to Only Natural Sugars

Decrease your artificial sugar intake by opting for natural sugars—such as honey, 100-percent maple syrup, and stevia vs. white sugar and processed bake goods.

5. No More Late Night Snacks

Not only does noshing after 9 p.m. interrupt your sleep (because you’re still digesting); it stops you from snacking out of pure boredom.

6. Bulk Up with Veggies

Make vegetables the focus of meals, but reducing protein and carbohydrate portions and bulking up on fresh veggies to fill you up.

7. Keep a Food Journal

Set a calorie limit and record your daily progress with a food journal. This will also give you a big picture of trouble foods (i.e., sugar, salt) and if you have portion control issues.

8. Measure Success Weekly

Make a weekly time to measure your progress using a measuring tape. Take measurements of your waist, thighs, buttocks, and chest.  The progress will be encouraging.

9. Drink More Water

Opt for water rather than pop or sugary juice and help your body flush out toxins and fat.

10. Make Yourself Accountable

Don’t be afraid to tell your friends and family about your weight loss goals. Telling others will keep you accountable and motivated.