10 Valuable Health Benefits from Jujube Fruit

The public as a whole is largely unaware of the existence of the jujube fruit, not to mention its many health benefits. Only those of South Asian origin, natural treatments or exotic fruit fans are likely to be familiar with this fruit. Its natural home is in South Asia. One of its alternative names, the Korean date, indicates a part of the world where it is very popular. This fruit resembles a date in size and has a black or brownish skin. The jujube plant could be either a tree or a bush. It seems likely that awareness of this fruit’s existence will increase as more people discover its impressive properties.

Reduces the risks of becoming anemic

One of the essential ways jujube fruit enhances health is through improved blood circulation. A typical serving contains 0.48 mg of iron and 23 mg of phosphorous. Both of these minerals fulfill essential functions in red blood cell creation. For example, a lack of iron in the blood causes anemia where people suffer a severe lack of energy, impaired thinking capabilities, indigestion and other disturbing symptoms. While taking mineral supplements is one way to reduce risks, it is preferable to obtain these minerals naturally through the food supply.

Easier to get a good night’s sleep

In pre-industrial societies where life followed the rhythm of the seasons and work in the field ceased before nightfall, problems of insomnia do not seem to have been as common as they have become today. The natural balance has been disturbed by electric lighting blurring the difference between day and nighttime activities. The number who need to take, or believe they have to take, sleeping tablets each night shows the seriousness of this issue. The liquid extracted from jujube seeds is supposed to help relax the body and facilitate natural, healthier sleeping patterns. This is a much safer than taking sleeping tablets.

Good news for digestive problems

A tendency to rush meals and preferences for cheap, junk foods are a few aspects of contemporary lifestyles that are bad for the digestive process. In addition to the obvious symptoms of indigestion, symptoms could include constipation, and flatulence as well as illnesses that are more serious. Jujube fruits contain compounds that help the digestive system more effectively process food and remove waste from the body. This reduces the likelihood of such health problems occurring.

Helps to cleanse the skin

Compounds found in jujube fruit treat skin damage and help to keep the skin healthy. Individuals spend so much on cosmetic and medicinal creams to treat acne, eczema and other skill illnesses. It is sensible to use these ointments on a doctor’s advice but perhaps including jujube in meal plan might remove the need for such treatments. People claim that it can stop skin wrinkling and successfully treat acne and similar skin blemishes.

A proven stress reliever

Anyone who lives in one of the world’s major conurbations is likely to feel that their lives have become more stressful. More patients visit the doctor for advice on their anxiety problems today than in earlier generations. Few of them would imagine that instead of some prescription medicine, jujube fruit could reduce their stress or anxiety. Fans of the fruit speak of how eating dried jujubes really reduces their stress levels. Evidence suggests that this fruit’s positive effects on hormonal levels give its eaters these emotional benefits.

Strengthens resistance to disease

The boost jujube fruit gives to the immune system is certainly one of its most valuable contributions to our health. The principal gains come from its high antioxidant content. These compounds enable the body to resist cell and tissue damage from free radicals. Both the antioxidants and free radicals are naturally present in every human being, but poor diet or environmental pollution easily disturbs the optimum balance between them. Jujube can shift the balance in the antioxidants’ favor to lessen risks of tissue damage, infection, and disease.

A treat that weight watchers can also enjoy

The abundance of food available to residents of the western world has been a mixed blessing. Famine has become a matter for the history books with concerns over obesity now to the forefront. Thankfully, many overweight people appreciate the importance of shedding those extra pounds, and they struggle to find a variety of foods suitable for weight watcher meals. Since jujube combines a low-calorie count with high nourishment value, it makes an excellent dieter food choice.

Contributes to bone health

As people age their bones naturally weaken and illnesses such as osteoporosis may develop. As usual, the best approach is to try to forestall problems by making dietary changes that are good for bone development. Given the widely-recognized importance of calcium, iron and phosphorous for bone and teeth health, foods that are rich in these minerals ought to be eaten. Jujube fruit is highly recommended in this regard. For example, a typical serving provides you with 21 mg of calcium.

Gets to the heart of things

Fans of jujube fruit never fail to draw attention to its cardiovascular health advantages. The 70 mg of potassium an average serving delivers, and its low sodium content reduces risks of high blood pressure. It also contributes to heart health by preventing accumulations of fat blocking arteries. Studies done on youngsters with obesity problems indicate how eating this fruit lowers lipid levels and so makes future heart disease a more remote possibility.

Might even help to fight baldness

One of the most intriguing of the claims about jujube fruit’s possible benefits concerns its impact on hair growth. Research scientists thought the matter worth further investigation. They made a three-week study to observe the effects of essential jujube on shaved laboratory mice. Their findings showed how applications of this oil lengthened and thickened their new hair growth. Could it have the same effect on humans? There are hopes that it could help to restore those retreating hairlines, or perhaps prevent hair loss occurring.