9 Healthy Food Hacks to Try This Week

Good food is something almost no one can resist. And the healthier it is, the more guilt-free the indulgence. There’s a widespread misconception that preparing healthy food is difficult, tedious and time-consuming, especially if done on a daily basis. In fact, it’s as easy or difficult as making regular food, with little extra effort required if you know the right tips and tricks. Here are some healthy food hacks that you can try this week to maintain optimal fitness levels.

Swap the Meat

The easiest way to eat healthier is by eliminating meat now and then. Even if you want to eat a delicious meal of pizzas or burgers or tacos, swap the meat for veggies such as mushroom, eggplant or zucchini. That way, you satisfy your craving for favorite foods while consuming significantly fewer calories and fat. If you’re a true-blue meat lover, you needn’t do this for every meal; swapping the meat every other day would be a great start.

Make Some Delicious Breakfast Muffins

A good way to start your day is with some lovely wholesome muffins. Muffins for breakfast are an intelligent, not to mention delicious, choice for several reasons. One is that you can make an entire batch on a Sunday, preparing your breakfast for every weekday in advance. Also, if you’re running late, you can eat muffins on the go — a boon for those who are racing against time. And finally, you can kick-start your day with some energy-giving carbs. Look for recipes that use healthier ingredients such as bran, wheat flour, and pumpkin puree.

Freeze Slow Cooker Meals

This is for the lazy folks who don’t have the time or the inclination to cook every meal meticulously. Make your slow cooker dishes, which need nothing more than minimal cooking, and freeze a batch for reheating later. Go in for more wholesome slow cooker meals, replacing bad carbs and high-fat foods with other alternatives. This way, when you get home tired and hungry, you’ll have some delectable food waiting for you that barely needs any prepping.

Have a Brothy Vegetable Soup

For those wishing to have lighter meals, switch elaborate meals for some tasty, healthy soup. Look into recipes that use fresh, appetizing vegetables and meats and make a week’s worth of soup in advance. All you have to do for your dinner is heat it and enjoy warm mouthfuls of a light, yummy soup.

Pack Your Salads Properly

If you carry your lunch to the workplace or elsewhere, consider packing a salad instead of prepared, ready-packed meals. Salads become soggy and are difficult to pack, you say? Well, all you need is a mason jar. Layer all ingredients, with the wet ones, such as dressing, cut fruits, and veggies, at the bottom and leafy greens at the top. Easy, convenient packing and bye-bye sogginess.

Cook a Low-Fat Chicken Meal

Go for some skin-on chicken and make a low-fat meal using the chicken fat alone. Pan sear the chicken with some veggies and dry-roasted nuts, using the rendered fat to cook everything. Finish the dish in the over to ensure everything is cooked to perfection. Your delicious, guilt-free meal is ready.

Try Savory Oats

Why not swap the typical milk-and-cereal breakfast with an exciting, savory concoction? Just roast some oats in a pan and add pan-seared veggies such as onions, tomatoes, boiled potatoes, peppers, and corn. You can add some light sauces, low-fat cheese or even an egg to make the dish more appetizing. Experiment and innovate to arrive at your favorite savory oats recipe.

Add Unsweetened Almond Milk to Coffee

One percent milk isn’t going to do any harm to your diet, but the calories in whole milk and creamers certainly add up. Use unsweetened almond milk instead; it has fewer calories than skim milk.

Pour Off Excess Oil

To reduce calories, dispose of the oil that gets separated on the top of peanut butter and dressing jars. Because oil is less dense, it separates and rises to the top. Rather than mixing it in again, you can throw it away.