Flavie Delangle wiki, age, height, parents, net worth, education, boyfriend

Flavie Delangle was chosen in 2016 to play the title role of Marlon , on the relationship of a teenager with her imprisoned mother. Presented in many festivals, the short film by  Jessica Palud is nominated for the 2018 edition of the Césars. The SKAM France team is  taking her back in 2020 to play Lola, Daphné’s sister ( Lula Cotton-Frapier ), in the heart of season 6 of the successful France TV series Slash. How much we know about Flavie Delangle wiki?

Earlier life of Flavie, age

Born on September 18, 2002 in Reims, France she has been practicing rhythmic gymnastics at a high level since 2008. Delangle passed a CAP Early Childhood and is in 1st (baccalaureate pro Commerce). But else than this, she never talked about her parents and siblings with media.

Career from early-age

Flavie Delangle was 13 and was walking out of a store when a woman approached her. The woman was looking for an actress for her short film. Suddenly, she was scared and went home. Little Delangle shared to her mother who called her for the acting. Summer was coming, she had nothing planned and the shooting was taking place in her city, in Reims. So Flavie decided to pass the casting. This experience was a revelation. Acting has become her a passion.

She was spotted at the age of 13 to star in the short film Marlon, by Jessica Palud.

In 2020, she played the role of Lola Lecomte in the French adaptation of the Norwegian series Skam . Her character, who makes her first appearance in season 5 , is the lead role in the sixth season of the series.

Flavie Delangle net worth from her professional career

Delangle net worth is estimated to be €1 million. Similarly, she could make a lot of money in her profession. She has appeared in a number of films and television shows. She has not, however, reported her salary or earnings in public. But as per Flavie Delangle wiki, she started to play roles from age 13.

Flavie Delangle Height and Weight

19 years old Flavie Delangle height is 1.67 meters and weighs about 121 lbs. Her hair is also dark brown, and her eyes are blue in color. Her body figure is 34-26-35.

Do Flavie has boyfriend or in relationship?

Flavie Delangle is pretty single and no any news from sources denotes her relationship. She puts her career at first.