During the winter months, we get less sunlight and, thereby, experience colder temperature conditions. Aside from feeling tired, people often have dampened moods and feel less motivated. This can have a detrimental impact on their work performance. Staying in the best of your moods in winter might be tough, and you might need to give extra effort. However, there are ways through which you can stay motivated during the winter months. The Young Entrepreneur Council has lots to share in the context. They have offered some recommendations to keep yourself and your team feeling perked up and productive until winter exits and spring arrives. Check out the following.
Team Building Activities
One effective way to boost the mood of your team and make them feel productive during the winter months is to engage them in team-building activities indoors. This will keep them active and cheerful. Such activities will also help strengthen the relationship they share with their co-workers and senior employees. The employees will also realize values as well as the purpose of the brand they are working for.
Health Conscious Initiatives
Less exposure to sunlight is associated with poor diet and dampened moods. This can lead to depression in many people. To fight this and to boost your morale, a healthy diet is a must. Healthy Living in the winter months is essential if you want to stay in the best frame of mind. Always add fruits to your daily platter that will deliver optimum quantities of Vitamin C and Vitamin D. Besides that, always make it a point to participate in fun and active team-building activities.
Work Remotely on Some Days
Winters can be harsh in New York City. The subzero temperatures and snow can take a toll on you. Staying motivated can be an uphill task. In such a situation, traveling to the workplace can also be cumbersome. You can make provisions to make your teamwork from home on Fridays to finish work within the stipulated period.
Holiday Bonuses
Offering holiday bonuses to employees is a good way to keep the employees motivated. Winter is a crucial time of the year. Therefore, receiving a bonus can help them enjoy the festive season. When you have money in your pockets, you can afford things that catch your fancy and have a whale of a time during your holidays. As a result, the winter months wouldn’t seem that depressing.
Darker skies and the depressing cold outside can have a detrimental impact on anybody’s mental health. However, everyone knows that winter has its beauty and charm. The gorgeous winter snaps can lift your mood up and also boost the mood of your employees. If you want to motivate others, you should always lead by example. The positivity in you can be infectious, and your employees would automatically come out of a depressed state of mind to give their best.
Fresh Air and Exercising Outdoors
The energy levels are always down in the winter months. Getting up and going out for a walk is not on the cards for many. Feeling lazy is quite common during this time of the year. Winter is a season when you must take care of your bodies. You will benefit if you can make your employees understand the importance of exercising during the colder months. If it is not that cold, encourage your team to go out for a walk during lunchtime and inhale some fresh air. Taking a break from work can decrease the monotony, and the fresh air brings in some freshness within them.
A Warm Atmosphere in the Workplace
Darker and colder months usually lead to a cozier feeling. You can introduce that in the office. A warm and welcoming ambiance in the office will lift your employees’ mood irrespective of the bad weather outside. A cozy atmosphere will always encourage your employees to stay motivated, learn more, and increase productivity.
Playing games is a favorite pastime for most of us. If you want to spice up the dull winter months, you can gamify a few office processes to ward off monotony. Doing these will excite your team members to stay more productive. It will encourage them to approach their tasks positively without feeling depressed.