How to include functions from my other files with Node.js?

Sometimes, we want to include functions from my other files with Node.js

In this article, we’ll look at how to include functions from my other files with Node.js.

How to include functions from my other files with Node.js?

To include functions from my other files with Node.js, we can create our own module with module.exports.

For instance, we write


module.exports = {
  foo() {
    // ...
  bar() {
    // ...

to assign module.exports to an object with the foo and bar functions in tools.js

Then we write


const tools = require('./tools');

to include the module in app.js by calling require with the path to tools.js and assign the module object to tools.

And then we can call the foo and bar functions from the module that we required.


To include functions from my other files with Node.js, we can create our own module with module.exports.