How to confirm before a form submit with JavaScript?

Sometimes, we want to confirm before a form submit with JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to confirm before a form submit with JavaScript.

How to confirm before a form submit with JavaScript?

To confirm before a form submit with JavaScript, we can call the confirm function.

For instance, we write:

  <input type="submit" />

to add a form.

Then we write:

const form = document.querySelector('form')
form.onsubmit = (e) => {
  const confirmSubmit = confirm('Are you sure you want to submit this form?');
  if (confirmSubmit) {

to select a form with querySelector.

And then we set form.onsubmit to a function that calls confirm to check show a prompt to let the user confirm whether they want to submit the form or not.

If confirmSubmit is true, then user clicked OK and we move forward with submitting the form.


To confirm before a form submit with JavaScript, we can call the confirm function.