How to get all keys of a deep object in JavaScript?

Sometimes, we want to get all keys of a deep object in JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to get all keys of a deep object in JavaScript.

How to get all keys of a deep object in JavaScript?

To get all keys of a deep object in JavaScript, we can recursive traverse the object to get the keys.

For instance, we write:

const obj = {
  foo: 'bar',
  count: '3',
  counter: {
    count: '3',
  baz: {
    test: "qux",
    tester: {
      name: "Ross"

const objectDeepKeys = (obj, keys = []) => {
  for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) {
    if (typeof obj[key] === 'object' && obj[key] !== null) {
      objectDeepKeys(obj[key], keys)
  return keys


to define the objectDeepKeys function that takes the obj object to traverse and the array of keys.

In the function, we loop through each key we get from Object.keys with a for-of loop.

And in the loop, we have keys.push(key) to append the key to keys.

If obj[key] is an object and it’s not null, we call objectDeepKeys to do the same thing in the next level.

As a result, we see ['foo', 'count', 'counter', 'count', 'baz', 'test', 'tester', 'name'] logged.


To get all keys of a deep object in JavaScript, we can recursive traverse the object to get the keys.