How to remove the vertical line in the Chart.js line chart?

Sometimes, we want to remove the vertical line in the Chart.js line chart.

In this article, we’ll look at how to remove the vertical line in the Chart.js line chart.

How to remove the vertical line in the Chart.js line chart?

To remove the vertical line in the Chart.js line chart, we can set the options.scales.x.grid.display property to false.

For instance, we write:

<script src=""></script>

<canvas id='myChart' style='width: 300px; height: 300px'></canvas>

to add the Chart.js script and canvas for the chart.

Then we write:

const ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');
const myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
  type: 'line',
  data: {
    labels: ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday'],
    datasets: [{
      label: '# of Votes',
      data: [12, 19, 3],
      borderWidth: 1,
      borderColor: 'green'
  options: {
    scales: {
      x: {
        grid: {
          display: false

to set options.scale.x.grid.display to false to hide the vertical lines in the background.

Now we should only see the horizontal lines displayed in the background.


To remove the vertical line in the Chart.js line chart, we can set the options.scales.x.grid.display property to false.