How to remove an element from a list with lodash and JavaScript?

Sometimes, we want to remove an element from a list with lodash and JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to remove an element from a list with lodash and JavaScript.

How to remove an element from a list with lodash and JavaScript?

To remove an element from a list with lodash and JavaScript, we can use the remove function.

For instance, we write

_.remove(obj.subTopics, {
  subTopicId: stToDelete,

to call remove with the obj.subTopics object property and an object with the property and value to remove.

We remove the item from the obj.subTopics array with subTopicId set to the value of stToDelete within in the obj object.

The removal is done in place so obj is modified with the removal.


To remove an element from a list with lodash and JavaScript, we can use the remove function.