How to properly export an ES6 class in Node.js?

Sometimes, we want to properly export an ES6 class in Node.js.

In this article, we’ll look at how to properly export an ES6 class in Node.js.

How to properly export an ES6 class in Node.js?

To properly export an ES6 class in Node.js, we can set the class as the value of module.exports in a module.

For instance, we write

module.exports = class Person {
  constructor(firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

  display() {
    console.log(this.firstName, this.lastName);

to export the Person class in person.js.

Then we write

const Person = require("./person.js");

const someone = new Person("First name", "Last name");

to import the class with

const Person = require("./person.js");

And then we create a Person object and call the display method.


To properly export an ES6 class in Node.js, we can set the class as the value of module.exports in a module.