“One Tree Hill” star Bevin Prince husband died, cause of death, net worth

Bevin Anne Prince is an American actress and fitness teacher best known for playing Bevin Mirskey in the popular One Tree Hill television series on The CW. William Friend, the husband of Bevin Prince, was struck by lightning over the weekend close to their North Carolina home and died at the age of 33. To learn more about Bevin Prince’s husband, including his cause of death, wealth, and more, continue reading.

When was Bevin Prince married to her husband?

William Friend and Bevin, the couple then exchanged vows in May 2016 in an island themed wedding. They had already decided on the location of the wedding destination and nearly 70 of their friends attended the nuptials. The wedding itself took place in Turks and Caicos. The bride wore a beautiful white gown and her groom was looking handsome in a navy blue suit. The actress shared an adorable picture on her social media account to mark the occasion of her wedding. The pair is yet to welcome any children between them but we’re sure they have something else planned. They celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary on May 21.

Prince and her husband made the decision to leave New York and relocate to Wilmington, North Carolina, once the COVID-19 outbreak began. She established her own outdoor cycling studio, Recess, in Wilmington in 2020. On July 3, 2022, while out on a boat with friends during a storm, Friend was struck by lightning on Masonboro Island and passed away from his wounds a week before his 34th birthday.

In an interview, talking about how she and Will got engaged, she said,

“We were in London, visiting Will’s family. We went to lunch at the home of one of Will’s best friends. I had walked away and Will’s friend ask him if he was going to marry me. Will replied that he always knew he would marry me. Will’s friend asked him, “Why not ask her now?” In true Will fashion he immediately called my father, got his permission, and then got on one knee, with a Haribo candy ring, and asked me to be his wife.”

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Who was William Friend? What was his profession??


William Friend, a British emigré who lived a life worthy of a Horatio Alger novel, becoming one of the youngest leaders in commercial real estate media, has died. He was 33. He dabbled in entrepreneurial ventures through high school and college, including as a club promoter and as a seller of fake IDs. William was an English national and his Ethnicity was White.

Friend joined Bisnow fresh out of college in 2010, beginning as an intern at the chief operating officer’s apartment before moving on to roles in recruiting, events, and sales. His work ethic propelled him quickly to the top of the organization, first as COO in 2013 and then as CEO in 2015, at the age of 27. He guided Bisnow through the pandemic, which severely disrupted the live events side of the business, and inspired the company’s entrepreneurial spirit, allowing it to thrive in its darkest hour.

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How much was William net worth? Was he a millionaire?

Will Friend’s net worth was approximately $10 million at the time of his demise. Since he has not published his earnings details, his actual income is still to be revealed.

The CEO became co-COO and took over in late 2014, steering Bisnow through its reported $50 million sales to private equity firm Wicks Group in April 2016.

His company Bisnow primarily makes revenue on sponsorships and event tickets and is known for its emails covering commercial real estate and the social scene. Although the company does not disclose revenue, Fortune reports Bisnow hauled in $13.8 million in sales in 2013.

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How did The Bisnow CEO William Friend die? Cause of death


The Bisnow CEO departed his life due to the lightning strike. As per the statement of WECT News, he was on the boat on Sunday, July 3,  when the incident happened, and he was struck by lightning. The rescue team approached him and brought him to the hospital. Unfortunately, he was found dead inside the ambulance, some sources revealed.

Bisnow Media is one of the most prominent digital media companies and has been doing its services for more than 17 years. This company focuses on producing news and live events in 27 metropolitan markets around the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. With a subscriber base of over 600,000, Bisnow has become the most comprehensive producer of commercial real estate news and events.

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Moreover, Will had such a real personality that he made his family his main priority. He was fond of exploring new things, concentrated on data-driven decision-making, and provided a return on investment for Bisnow clients. His co-operation has led Bisnow towards the unbeaten path.

Who is the Bevin Prince family? Biography, education, nationality

Prince’s family moved to Cary, North Carolina in 1986 after leaving Charlotte, North Carolina, where she was born. She was a cheerleader for a team that placed first in the Wake County Cheerleading Contest while she was a student at Martin Middle School.

She participated in musical theater when a student at Raleigh, North Carolina’s Saint Mary’s School, a private all-girl Episcopal prep school. Prince enrolled at North Carolina State University after high school in 2000 before transferring to the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. She attended UNC Wilmington’s new film studies department there, where she was a member of the Seahawk Dance Team (2002–2003) and graduated top in her class.

Prince obtained an MFA from Savannah College of Art and Design and attended the New York Film Academy to prepare for more challenging jobs.
