10 Treatments for Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s palsy is caused by damage to a facial nerve which leaves one side of the face completely paralyzed or severely weakened. The effects on facial movements and appearance can disrupt everyday life and damage self-confidence. It usually clears up after a few weeks to several months, and severe cases are usually very rare. Though it usually resolves by itself, there are treatments for Bell’s palsy that can help people with the condition. Some may help manage symptoms, while others address possible underlying causes.


These drugs can help with inflammation due to Bell’s palsy. Anti-inflammatory corticosteroids are taken for a week, then the results are evaluated. An additional ten days of treatment may follow. These medications have certain potential risks such as harm during pregnancy, so it should always be prescribed by a physician specifically for this condition.


Some antiviral drugs can reduce swelling and slowly help to regain facial mobility. Viral infections are a suspected cause of Bell’s palsy, and this medication may help address the underlying cause of the condition. This type of medication is also used for treating other viral infections such as herpes.

Eye drops

Bell’s palsy, which causes one side of the face to become paralyzed, can be especially problematic eyes since as it immobilizes eyelid muscles. Eye drops can keep the eye hydrated and clean and help avoid eventual vision impairment. Eye drops can be combined with a hydrated eye patch. Together, the eye socket and eyelid can be kept hydrated and protected from dirt and dust particles which might present a threat.

Daily moist rubs

Bell’s Palsy may cause pain and stiffness as immobilized muscles atrophy from non-use. Muscle atrophy can cause serious movement impairments even after Bell’s Palsy subsides. Moist rubs can help stimulate the muscles. Using a cloth soaked in warm water, gentle massage will cleanse the skin and the muscles will get some much-needed movement. This massage is very soothing and relaxing and can help hasten recovery.

Vitamin-boosted meals

Vitamins are essential micronutrients which are an important part of a healthy diet, and even more essential when recovering from Bell’s Palsy. Every vitamin plays a crucial role in fighting medical conditions. Some, however, such as B-vitamins, can specifically promote nerve growth and increase the range of movement.

Relaxation and patience

Relaxation and patience play an important role in beating Bell’s Palsy. Stress affects healing, and Bell’s palsy can take a frustrating amount of time to resolve. A positive mindset can minimize the perceived discomfort and relax the muscles, while a stressful point of view can cause people to feel even worse and make the whole process seem a little bit longer.

Massage with biofeedback

This is a technique that not many people know of, but it very helpful when dealing with Bell’s Palsy. It consists of applying repeated and equal pressure to the paralyzed points on the face. By doing this, one allows the brain to renew the nerve connection and to recover control of facial movement. Biofeedback helps to provide an objective measure of the results. Researchers have found that the combination helps patients to target their self-treatments for the best outcome.

Facial massage

Facial massage is a great way to help restore feeling to the paralyzed part of the face. This popular type of massage is very soothing, but in the case of Bell’s palsy is also very useful in treating inflammation and pain. After a first few sessions with a professional, the patient can practice on herself and add even more effort to working on beating Bell’s Palsy. Facial massage is a good first treatment after a diagnosis of Bell’s palsy.

Facial exercises

Similar to facial massage in effect, this important approach to treating Bell’s Palsy keeps signals flowing through the nerves. By standing in front of the mirror and “making faces,” keeping them on for a few seconds, patients can attempt to activate the paralyzed muscles. These simple exercises prevent muscle atrophy and make a recovery a lot faster than in cases where patients don’t exercise. Goofy faces might now come in handy as they work wonders to recover facial strength. People with Bell’s palsy can take the initiative and practice this self-treatment, then combine it with massages and a healthy diet.


Acupuncture works by letting small needles push into the nerves and muscles, stimulating them in specific locations. Licensed acupuncturists are readily available in most areas, and most of them are very knowledgeable about Bell’s Palsy and its symptoms. This is also an excellent way to improve pain relief and views towards medication. Although this is an alternative approach to treating the condition even some traditional doctors may recommend it, and it has helped a lot of people.