To create and clone a JSON object with JavaScript, we can use the spread operator.…
To escape single quotes in JavaScript string for JavaScript evaluation, we use the string replace…
To check if a string is a float with JavaScript, we can use the isNaN…
To add an InfoWindow to each marker with JavaScript Google Maps API v3, we set…
To define regex for empty string or white space with JavaScript, we can use the…
To mock the window size changing for a React component test with JavaScript, we can…
To get formatted date time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format using JavaScript, we can use some…
To detect browser in React, we use the react-device-detect package. To install it, we run…
To enable CORS in production with Nest.js, we call the enableCors method. For instance, we…
To fix function being called twice in React, we disable strict mode. For instance, if…