Discover the Health Benefits of Marjoram

A perennial herb, marjoram is known for its citrus and slightly sweet pine taste. The ancient Greeks and Romans regarded marjoram as a symbol of happiness. The herb is indigenous to areas of the Mediterranean like Cyprus and Turkey, where it’s also used interchangeably with oregano in cooking. Today, marjoram is a popular kitchen herb added to stews, soups, sauces, and even dressings. Marjoram has more than just taste to offer, though. This herb offers a wide range of health benefits that make it well worth adding to diets.

Marjoram Has Antiseptic Properties

Marjoram, along with similar herbs like oregano, is known for its cleansing properties. Folk medicine practitioners have long used marjoram to treat both external and internal wounds, to help prevent conditions such as sepsis. Some creams and ointments contain essential oil from marjoram for this reason. Using this herb to treat wounds may also guard against tetanus.

Combats Viruses and Other Illnesses

Many viruses cause conditions like the flu and common cold. According to researchers, marjoram contains antiviral properties that can help protect against these and other viruses and illnesses such as the measles, mumps, and chicken pox. Additionally, when suffering from conditions like a cold or bronchitis that affect the respiratory system, marjoram can effectively alleviate congestion of the nasal passages, larynx, and lungs.

Fights Bacterial Infections

Just as marjoram combats viruses, it can also be used to fight bacterial infections like food poisoning and malaria. Since ancient times, remedies designed to alleviate bacterial infections of the skin, urinary tract, and digestive system contained marjoram. There is also evidence to suggest marjoram’s antibacterial properties may help combat candida and even typhoid.

Reduces Pain

When taken as an essential oil, marjoram effectively manages some types of pain. Moreover, because it has no adverse side effects at the usual dosage, it’s a popular alternative to many over-the-counter drugs for alleviating pain from sore muscles, inflammation, and headaches. Some people even find marjoram oil is helpful for reducing toothache pain. Women who suffer from menstrual cramps may wish to include more marjoram in their diet to help temper this type of pain.

Improves Digestion

Periodic indigestion is a common complaint. A diet rich in marjoram may help prevent bouts of indigestion or soothe the digestive tract when they occur. Marjoram stimulates digestive juices, making them available to break down foods sitting in the stomach. In addition, marjoram helps move food through the intestines to promote better regularity. People in search of a natural remedy for digestive complaints like indigestion may find relief by adding marjoram to their diet.

Promotes Urination

Frequent urination enables us to rid our bodies of unwanted uric acid, excess water, sodium, and various toxic substances. The longer toxic substances remain in the body, the greater the risk that they will do damage. Although it’s not advisable to urinate so frequently that it leads to dehydration, it’s a good practice to keep hydrated enough to keep the kidneys clean. According to researchers, increased urination may also help reduce fat and lower blood pressure. People who take marjoram to increase urination should increase their water intake in order to prevent dehydration.

Combats Fungal Infections

Marjoram contains antifungal properties that support skin health and help combat fungal infections like athlete’s foot. Many people use natural ointments containing marjoram and oregano to treat funguses of the finger and toenails, too. By inhibiting growth, antifungal herbs encourage healing. Some practitioners state marjoram can also treat conditions like dysentery that develop from various pathogens including fungal infections.

Reduces the Risk for Cardiovascular Health Emergencies

There is evidence that marjoram can help reduce the risk for stroke, heart attack, and hemorrhage in the brain. The herb acts as a vasodilator, both relaxing and widening the blood vessels. This, in turn, allows blood to flow more smoothly, lessens any strain on the circulatory system, and reduces blood pressure. Dieticians often recommend people with conditions like atherosclerosis include more marjoram in their diets.

Supports Cognitive Function

In addition to all its hard work in the body, marjoram may benefit the brain. Marjoram is extremely rich in vitamin K. This vitamin is currently part of treatments for alleviating or slowing the symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, by helping prevent neuronal damage. While there is no cure currently for Alzheimer’s, vitamin K shows promise in its ability to protect neurons in the brain.

Stress Relief

Marjoram boasts soothing and natural sedative properties that can help to calm individuals suffering from mild anxiety. Many people deal with chronic stress that can lead to more serious conditions like anxiety and depression. Managing stress effectively may help reduce the risk of these issues. Marjoram is able to calm the nervous system could help alleviate these problems before they become more serious.