How To Find A Therapist Online 

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When searching for a therapist on the internet, you have every right to be picky. As a matter of fact, you owe it to yourself, and it is your responsibility because you will be spending a lot of time with this person. You will be relying on them to give you solid advice that will help you through your problems. The wrong therapist will not only be a waste of your time and money, but they could end up causing you even more pain. Given the fact that locating a good therapist online is not easy, we have gathered some tips and tricks that will help you find your match. 


Figure out what you want from therapy   

The first step you should take to locating an ideal therapist is to understand whether or not you need to go to therapy in the first place. If the answer is yes, think about your immediate problem and start from there. This will assist you in communicating effectively with your potential therapist and it will help you to see who is easily a good fit for you.  


Figure out the kind of therapist you are looking for  

There are so many types of therapies, and different people need different types of therapies, so figure out what you need exactly. The variety can actually seem overwhelming, but as long as you know which one you’re looking for then it will be easier for you to find a professional and reputable therapist in that area. You might need talk therapy where you have ongoing conversations with your therapist, which is usually good for people who want to open up about the things they have been harbouring for a long time.You might need cognitive-behavioral therapy. Or you can go for family therapy if you’re dealing with family issues. 


Find a therapist that seems promising  

Currently, one of the best places to search for anything is the Internet. Every kind of business is listed online because this is simply where everybody is. Professional therapists list themselves on various websites such as Good Therapy, Psychology Today and, which has a comprehensive list on different kinds of therapists. Some of the best websites in the industry, such as the ones just noted, provide information about the professional qualifications of the therapists, their areas of expertise, their location, phone numbers, office hours, whether or not they accept insurance, as well as how long they have been practicing. When doing your research, find people who look promising and then Google as much information as you can about them, because this will help narrow down the seemingly infinite amount of choices. 


Call the prospects   

This is definitely an intimidating part of the process because you’ll need to physically get on a call with them. It’s not easy calling up strangers and discussing your problems with them and your vulnerability.You should actually be very proud of yourself for doing it. During the call, you can book meetings with the ones that you feel more interesting to you, and then you can gradually open up to them when you go to the introductory meeting. You don’t have any obligation towards any of them so don’t feel pressured into using a therapist you don’t want. This is entirely up to you so be sure that you’re completely comfortable with the person you’re going to be vulnerable with.