How Breastfeeding Moms Can Sleep Well & Ensure Safer Sleep For Their Babies

Does breastfeeding make you tired? When a mother breastfeeds, her body releases a hormone called oxytocin. This “love hormone” plays a vital role in creating a bond between mom and baby, calming anxieties, and helping both feel closer. However, one of the side effects of oxytocin is that it can make moms feel tired, sometimes even drowsy, especially during late-night feedings.

So, yes, breastfeeding can make you tired, and many moms experience this. This natural fatigue is part of your body’s response to the process. But it is essential to find ways to manage it safely to ensure both you and your baby sleep well.

Breastfeeding can drain your energy, leaving you exhausted, especially if you are waking up multiple times a night. But there are strategies that can help you feel more rested while ensuring your baby is safe. Below are four ways to achieve better sleep for both you and your little one.

does breastfeeding make you tired?

Jonathan / Pexels / As you breastfeed your baby, oxytocin (the love hormone) is released. This can make you feel tired.

Does Breastfeeding Make You Tired?

The release of oxytocin, while beneficial, can leave you feeling sleepy after feedings. But being a tired mom doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice rest. One of the first things to consider is your sleep environment. Keeping your baby close but safe is key.

Many moms opt for a bedside bassinet. This allows you to respond quickly to your baby without getting out of bed and potentially disturbing your sleep cycle further. Having everything you need for nighttime feeds close by can save time and energy. The quicker you can settle your baby after a feed, the sooner you both can return to sleep.

Another strategy is to consider breastfeeding lying down. This position can make it easier to rest while feeding. Just ensure you are following safety guidelines to avoid any risks to your baby, such as suffocation. Keep your sleeping area free from loose blankets or pillows, and always put your baby back in their own sleep space after feeding.

Take Naps Whenever Possible

One of the best ways to combat the fatigue that breastfeeding induces is by napping whenever your baby naps. It sounds simple. But it can be difficult to implement, especially if you have other responsibilities or older children. However, finding small pockets of time to rest throughout the day can help.

does breastfeeding make you tired?

Wen / Pexels / If you feel drowsy after breastfeeding, a nap can help you stay alert later on, particularly for the frequent night feeds.

However, if your baby is sleeping, take the opportunity to sleep, too. It may not always be possible. But getting rest during the day can reduce the risk of sleep deprivation, which is common among breastfeeding moms.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished

So, does breastfeeding make you tired? Yes! It is partly because your body is working hard to produce milk. Staying hydrated and well-nourished can make a significant difference in how you feel throughout the day. When you are breastfeeding, your body requires extra fluids, and dehydration can increase fatigue. Keep a water bottle close by during feeds to ensure you are staying hydrated.

Similarly, what you eat plays a critical role in how much energy you have. Try to maintain a balanced diet that includes protein, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. It can be tempting to reach for sugary snacks when you are tired, but they can lead to an energy crash.

Instead, focus on nutrient-dense foods like nuts, yogurt, and whole grains that give you sustained energy. Proper nutrition helps your body handle the demands of breastfeeding and reduces the tiredness associated with it.