How to access parent iframe from JavaScript?

Sometimes, we want to access parent iframe from JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to access parent iframe from JavaScript.

How to access parent iframe from JavaScript?

To access parent iframe from JavaScript, we get the parent document and then use that to get the parent iframe.

For instance, we write

const arrFrames = parent.document.getElementsByTagName("IFRAME");

for (const arrFrame of arrFrames) {
  if (arrFrame === window) {
    console.log("parent frame found");

to loop through the iframes returned by getElementsByTagName from the parent document.

And then we loop through the frames with a for-of loop.

In it, we check if arrFrame equals window.

If it is, then we found the parent frame.


To access parent iframe from JavaScript, we get the parent document and then use that to get the parent iframe.