How to add a close icon in React Material UI Dialog header’s top right corner?

Sometimes, we want to add a close icon in React Material UI Dialog header’s top right corner.

In this article, we’ll look at how to add a close icon in React Material UI Dialog header’s top right corner.

How to add a close icon in React Material UI Dialog header’s top right corner?

To add a close icon in React Material UI Dialog header’s top right corner, we can put the title and the close icon in a Grid component.

For instance, we write:

import * as React from "react";
import Dialog from "@material-ui/core/Dialog";
import DialogTitle from "@material-ui/core/DialogTitle";
import DialogContent from "@material-ui/core/DialogContent";
import DialogContentText from "@material-ui/core/DialogContentText";
import IconButton from "@material-ui/core/IconButton";
import CloseIcon from "@material-ui/icons/Close";
import Typography from "@material-ui/core/Typography";
import Button from "@material-ui/core/Button";
import Grid from "@material-ui/core/Grid";

export default function App() {
  const [open, setOpen] = React.useState();

  return (
      <Button onClick={() => setOpen(true)}>Open</Button>
      <Dialog open={open} onClose={() => setOpen(false)}>
          <Grid container justify="space-between" alignItems="center">
            <Typography variant="div">Dialog</Typography>
            <IconButton onClick={() => setOpen(false)}>
              <CloseIcon />
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla massa
            felis, dapibus eget posuere ut, lobortis id purus.

To add the dialog box, we add the Dialog component. We also have a Open Button to open the dialog when we click it.

We set the open state with setOpen to true so that we open the dialog.

And we set the open prop of Dialog to the open state to use the open state to control when the Dialog is opened.

We add the DialogTitle component to add the dialog title. And we add the Grid component inside it to add a flex container that we use to layout the title and close button.

We set the container prop to true to add make the Grid a flex container.

And then we set justify to 'space-between' and alignItems to 'center' to put the title on the top left corner and the close button on the top right corner.

We set the onClick prop of the IconButton to a function that calls setOpen to false to close the dialog.

Also, we set the onClose prop to the same function to close it when we click outside the dialog box.

We add the dialog content in the DialogContentText component.


To add a close icon in React Material UI Dialog header’s top right corner, we can put the title and the close icon in a Grid component.