How to add a file upload input with Vuetify?

Sometimes, we want to add a file upload input with Vuetify.

In this article, we’ll look at how to add a file upload input with Vuetify.

How to add a file upload input with Vuetify?

To add a file upload input with Vuetify, we can add a v-btn button with a hidden file input.

For instance, we write

    <v-btn color="success" @click="$">
      select file
    <input v-show="false" ref="inputUpload" type="file" @change="onChange" />

to add a Vuetify button with v-btn.

And we add the file input and assign a ref to it with

<input v-show="false" ref="inputUpload" type="file" @change="onChange" />

We add ref="inputUpload" so $refs.inputUpload is set to the file input.

Then we open the file selector window on button click with


And we hide the input with



To add a file upload input with Vuetify, we can add a v-btn button with a hidden file input.