How to check if writeFileSync successfully wrote the file with Node.js and JavaScript?

Sometimes, we want to check if writeFileSync successfully wrote the file with Node.js and JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to check if writeFileSync successfully wrote the file with Node.js and JavaScript.

How to check if writeFileSync successfully wrote the file with Node.js and JavaScript?

To check if writeFileSync successfully wrote the file with Node.js and JavaScript, we use the exists method.

For instance, we write

fs.exists(file, (exists) => {
  if (exists) {
    fs.writeFile(file, content, "utf-8", (err) => {
      if (err) {
        console.log("failed to save");
      } else {
        console.log("succeeded in saving");
  } else {
    console.log("file does not exist");

to call fs.exists with the file path string to check if the file at the path exists.

The callback has the exists parameter which is true is the file exists at the path.

We call fs.writeFile when exists is true, which means the file exists.


To check if writeFileSync successfully wrote the file with Node.js and JavaScript, we use the exists method.