How to compare 2 dates in format DD/MM/YYYY with JavaScript?

Sometimes, we want to compare 2 dates in format DD/MM/YYYY with JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to compare 2 dates in format DD/MM/YYYY with JavaScript.

How to compare 2 dates in format DD/MM/YYYY with JavaScript?

To compare 2 dates in format DD/MM/YYYY with JavaScript, we can convert each date string to a date.

For instance, we write:

const date1 = '25/02/1985';
const date2 = '26/02/1985';

const convertToDate = (d) => {
  const [day, month, year] = d.split("/");
  return new Date(year, month - 1, day);

console.log(convertToDate(date1) > convertToDate(date2))

to define the convertToDate function that takes the date string d.

In it, we call split with '/' to split the string by the slashes.

And then we destructure the date parts from the returned array and put them into the Date constructor.

We’ve to subtract month by 1 since JavaScript date’s months are zero-based.

Next, we call convertToDate with date1 and date2 and compare the 2 values.

Since date1 is earlier than date2, the console log should log false.


To compare 2 dates in format DD/MM/YYYY with JavaScript, we can convert each date string to a date.