How to convert a date in dd/mm/yyyy format to mm/dd/yyyy format in JavaScript?

Sometimes, we want to convert a date in dd/mm/yyyy format to mm/dd/yyyy format in JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to convert a date in dd/mm/yyyy format to mm/dd/yyyy format in JavaScript.

How to convert a date in dd/mm/yyyy format to mm/dd/yyyy format in JavaScript?

To convert a date in dd/mm/yyyy format to mm/dd/yyyy format in JavaScript, we can split the date string and combine the parts.

For instance, we write:

const date = "24/09/2022";
const [day, month, year] = date.split("/");
const newDate = `${month}/${day}/${year}`

We call date.split with '/' to split the date string by the slashes.

Then we combine the parts that we destructured from the array with ${month}/${day}/${year}.

Therefore, newDate is "09/24/2022".


To convert a date in dd/mm/yyyy format to mm/dd/yyyy format in JavaScript, we can split the date string and combine the parts.