How to convert an array of objects to object with key value pairs with JavaScript?

Sometimes, we want to convert an array of objects to object with key value pairs with JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to convert an array of objects to object with key value pairs with JavaScript.

How to convert an array of objects to object with key value pairs with JavaScript?

To convert an array of objects to object with key value pairs with JavaScript, we can use the Object.fromEntries method.

For instance, we write:

const array = [{
  name1: "value1"
}, {
  name2: "value2"

const map = => {
    return Object.entries(a)
const obj = Object.fromEntries(map)

We call with a callback to return the key-value pair of each object in array as a nested array.

Then we call flat to flatten the array.

Next, we call Object.fromEntries with the map key-value pair nested array to combine the key-value pairs into an object.

Therefore, obj is {name1: 'value1', name2: 'value2'}.


To convert an array of objects to object with key value pairs with JavaScript, we can use the Object.fromEntries method.