How to create an array from a generator in JavaScript?

Sometimes, we want to create an array from a generator in JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to create an array from a generator in JavaScript.

How to create an array from a generator in JavaScript?

To create an array from a generator in JavaScript, we can use the spread operator.

For instance, we write:

function* seq(minVal, maxVal) {
  let currVal = minVal;
  while (currVal < maxVal) {
    yield currVal++;
const list = [...seq(1, 10)]

to create the seq generator function.

Then we call it with 1 and 10 and spread the returned results into an array.

Therefore list is  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].


To create an array from a generator in JavaScript, we can use the spread operator.