How to disable console inside unit tests with Jest?

Sometimes, we want to disable console inside unit tests with Jest.

In this article, we’ll look at how to disable console inside unit tests with Jest.

How to disable console inside unit tests with Jest?

To disable console inside unit tests with Jest, we can use the silent option or disable console output in the config.

We run

jest --silent

to run tests without showing console output.

In jest setup file, we can add

global.console = {
  log: jest.fn(),
  error: console.error,
  warn: console.warn,
  debug: console.debug,

to replace console.log with a stubbed function by setting global.console.log to jest.fn.

The other console methods are set to the regular console methods.


To disable console inside unit tests with Jest, we can use the silent option or disable console output in the config.