How to execute and get the output of a shell command in Node.js?

Sometimes, we want to execute and get the output of a shell command in Node.js.

In this article, we’ll look at how to execute and get the output of a shell command in Node.js.

How to execute and get the output of a shell command in Node.js?

To execute and get the output of a shell command in Node.js, we can use the child_process module’s exec method.

For instance, we write

const {
} = require('child_process');

exec(command, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
  console.log(error, stdout, stderr)

to call exec with the command string we want to run.

The 2nd argument is a callback that has the stdout and stderr output after running the command.

error has the error that’s thrown when the command is run.


To execute and get the output of a shell command in Node.js, we can use the child_process module’s exec method.