How to extend another Vue.js component in a single-file component?

Sometimes, we want to extend another Vue.js component in a single-file component.

In this article, we’ll look at how to extend another Vue.js component in a single-file component.

How to extend another Vue.js component in a single-file component?

To extend another Vue.js component in a single-file component, we can use Vue.extend on the base component.

And then we can extend the base component by calling extend on the base component.

For instance, we write


import Vue from "vue";

export default Vue.extend({

to call Vue.extend with the component options object and export it.

And then we can extend the Foo.vue component by writing

import Foo from "./Foo";

export default Foo.extend({

to call Foo.extend with the component object definition to extend the Foo component.


To extend another Vue.js component in a single-file component, we can use Vue.extend on the base component.

And then we can extend the base component by calling extend on the base component.