How to fix the req.user undefined error with Node.js, Express, and Passport?

Sometimes, we want to fix the req.user undefined error with Node.js, Express, and Passport.

In this article, we’ll look at how to fix the req.user undefined error with Node.js, Express, and Passport.

How to fix the req.user undefined error with Node.js, Express, and Passport?

To fix the req.user undefined error with Node.js, Express, and Passport, we should make sure Passport session state is set up in our app.

For instance, we should write

  secret: 'anything'

to call session to enable session storage with session.

Then we call passport.initialize to initialize Passport.

And then we call passport.session to let Passport handle sessions in our Express app.

Then when a user is logged in, req.user should be set.


To fix the req.user undefined error with Node.js, Express, and Passport, we should make sure Passport session state is set up in our app.