Sometimes, we want to format a Vuetify data table date column.
In this article, we’ll look at how to format a Vuetify data table date column.
How to format a Vuetify data table date column?
To format a Vuetify data table date column, we can populate the slot with the column that we want to format.
For instance, we write
<v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="logs">
<template v-slot:item.createdOn="{ item }">
<span>{{ new Date(item.createdOn).toLocaleString() }}</span>
to add a v-data
-tablewith the
item.createdOn` slot populated with custom content.
In it, we format the item.createdOn
value into a human readable date string with toLocaleString
after converting it into a Date
instance with the Date
To format a Vuetify data table date column, we can populate the slot with the column that we want to format.