How to get parent element and write holder div for siblings with JavaScript?

Sometimes, we want to get parent element and write holder div for siblings with JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to get parent element and write holder div for siblings with JavaScript.

How to get parent element and write holder div for siblings with JavaScript?

To get parent element and write holder div for siblings with JavaScript, we can use the parentNode property to get the parent node.

For instance, we write:

  <div id='child1'>
    hello world

to add nested divs.

Then we write:

const child1 = document.getElementById("child1")
const parent = child1.parentNode
const contents = parent.innerHTML;
parent.innerHTML = `<div id="holder">${contents}</div>`;

to get the div with ID child1 with getElementById.

Then we get its parent node with parentNode.

Next, we get the parent node’s content with innerHTML.

And then we set parent.innerHTML to a string with a div wrapped around the contents.

Now the div with ID holder is wrapped around the div with ID child1.


To get parent element and write holder div for siblings with JavaScript, we can use the parentNode property to get the parent node.