How to listen for route change events with Vue.js and Vue Router?

Sometimes, we want to listen for route change events with Vue.js and Vue Router.

In this article, we’ll look at how to listen for route change events with Vue.js and Vue Router.

How to listen for route change events with Vue.js and Vue Router?

To listen for route change events with Vue.js and Vue Router, we can watch the $route object in our component.

For instance, we write


export default {
  watch: {
    $route: {
      deep: true,
      handler(to, from) { = false;

to watch the $route in our component.

We set deep to true to watch for all changes in the $route object’s contents.

to has the latest route data.

from has the data of the previous route.


To listen for route change events with Vue.js and Vue Router, we can watch the $route object in our component.