How to make multiple route parameters optional in Node.js Express?

Sometimes, we want to make multiple route parameters optional in Node.js Express.

In this article, we’ll look at how to make multiple route parameters optional in Node.js Express.

How to make multiple route parameters optional in Node.js Express?

To make multiple route parameters optional in Node.js Express, we can put a question mark after each optional route parameter placeholder.

For instance, we write

app.get('/articles/:year?/:month?/:day?', (req, res) => {
  const {
  } = req.params

to call .app.get with a route path that has the optional year, month, and day parameter as indicated by the ? after each parameter.

Then we get the year, month, and day parameter value from req.params.


To make multiple route parameters optional in Node.js Express, we can put a question mark after each optional route parameter placeholder.