How to pass additional form fields to the local authentication strategy Using Node.js Passport.js?

Sometimes, we want to pass additional form fields to the local authentication strategy Using Node.js Passport.js.

In this article, we’ll look at how to pass additional form fields to the local authentication strategy Using Node.js Passport.js.

How to pass additional form fields to the local authentication strategy Using Node.js Passport.js?

To pass additional form fields to the local authentication strategy Using Node.js Passport.js, we set the passReqToCallback option to true.

For instance, we write

passport.use(new LocalStrategy({
    usernameField: 'email',
    passReqToCallback: true
  (req, email, password, done) =>{
    // ...

to create a LocalStrategy instance with an object that has passReqToCallback set to true.

As a result, the middleware function in the 2nd argument would have the full req object from other middlewares before it passed into it.


To pass additional form fields to the local authentication strategy Using Node.js Passport.js, we set the passReqToCallback option to true.