How to print an object’s keys and values with JavaScript?

Sometimes, we want to print an object’s keys and values with JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to print an object’s keys and values with JavaScript.

How to print an object’s keys and values with JavaScript?

To print an object’s keys and values with JavaScript, we can use Object.entries and the for-of loop.

For instance, we write:

const filters = {
  "user": "abc",
  "application": "xyz"

for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(filters)) {
  console.log(key, val)

We loop through the key-value pairs of filters by convert it to an array of key-value pair arrays with Object.entries.

In the for-of loop, we destructure the key and value from each array entry into key and val and log them.

Therefore, we see:

user abc
application xyz



To print an object’s keys and values with JavaScript, we can use Object.entries and the for-of loop.