How to Retrieve Data from a JavaScript ReadableStream Object?

Sometimes, we want to retrieve data from a JavaScript ReadableStream object.

In this article, we’ll look at how to retrieve data from a JavaScript ReadableStream object.

Retrieve Data from a JavaScript ReadableStream Object

To retrieve data from a JavaScript ReadableStream object, we need to call a conversion method to convert the ReadableStream to the actual data we can use.

For instance, we write:

(async () => {
  const response = await fetch("");
  const body = await response.json();

to make a GET request to with fetch.

fetch returns a promise that resolves to a ReadableStream object which we assigned to response.

Then to convert that to the response data by calling the json method since the response data is serialized into JSON format.

json also returns a promise so we have to use await on that and assign the resolved value to body.

Therefore, body should have the data from the ReadableStream object.


To retrieve data from a JavaScript ReadableStream object, we need to call a conversion method to convert the ReadableStream to the actual data we can use.