How to run a function on input but with a delay with Vue.js and JavaScript?

Sometimes, we want to run a function on input but with a delay with Vue.js and JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to run a function on input but with a delay with Vue.js and JavaScript.

How to run a function on input but with a delay with Vue.js and JavaScript?

To run a function on input but with a delay with Vue.js and JavaScript, we can use setTimeout.

For instance, we write:

<script src=""></script>

<div id='app'>


to add the Vue script and the app container.

Then we write:

const v = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  template: `
    	<input @input='onInput'>
      <div v-if='!isHidden'>hello</div>
  data: {
    isHidden: true
  methods: {
    onInput() {
      setTimeout(() => this.isHidden = false, 500);

to call onInput when the input event is triggered.

In onInput, we call setTimeout with a callback that sets this.isHidden to false to unhide the div after 500 milliseconds.

We use the v-if to only show the div with isHidden is false.


To run a function on input but with a delay with Vue.js and JavaScript, we can use setTimeout.