How to sort array on key value with JavaScript?

Sometimes, we want to sort array on key value with JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to sort array on key value with JavaScript.

How to sort array on key value with JavaScript?

To sort array on key value with JavaScript, we can use the array sort method.

For instance, we write:

const arr = [{
    name: 'bob',
    artist: 'rudy'
    name: 'johhny',
    artist: 'drusko'
    name: 'tiff',
    artist: 'needell'
    name: 'top',
    artist: 'gear'

const sorted = arr.sort((a, b) =>

to call arr.sort with a callback that sort the entries by the name property lexically with localeCompare.

Therefore, sorted is:

  artist: "rudy",
  name: "bob"
}, {
  artist: "drusko",
  name: "johhny"
}, {
  artist: "needell",
  name: "tiff"
}, {
  artist: "gear",
  name: "top"


To sort array on key value with JavaScript, we can use the array sort method.