How to split a string at last occurrence of character then join with JavaScript?

Sometimes, we want to split a string at last occurrence of character then join with JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to split a string at last occurrence of character then join with JavaScript.

How to split a string at last occurrence of character then join with JavaScript?

To split a string at last occurrence of character then join with JavaScript, we can use some string methods.

For instance, we write:

const k = "";
const l = `${k.substring(0, k.lastIndexOf("."))}-fx${k.substring(k.lastIndexOf("."))}`

to call the substring method to get the substring of k between the first character and the index of the last occurrence of . exclusive.

Then we call substring with the last index of . to the end of the string.

And then we combine them together in a template literal.

We used lastIndexOf to get the index of the last ..

Therefore, l is ''.


To split a string at last occurrence of character then join with JavaScript, we can use some string methods.