How to stop Node.js program from command line?

Sometimes, we want to stop Node.js program from command line.

In this article, we’ll look at how to stop Node.js program from command line.

How to stop Node.js program from command line?

To stop Node.js program from command line, we can use a few key combos or commands.

We can use ctrl + z to suspend the program.

We can use ctrl + c to stop the program.

Also, we can use

ps aux | grep node

to find the process ID of the node program.

Then we can use


to run kill with the node‘s process ID to kill node.

We can also use

killall node

to kill all instances of the node program.


To stop Node.js program from command line, we can use a few key combos or commands.

We can use ctrl + z to suspend the program.

We can use ctrl + c to stop the program.