How to Stop Your Dog from Constantly Barking

Dogs are great companions and man’s best friend. Unfortunately, some of them like to express themselves a bit too much by loud barking. A dog whose barking you can’t control could drive both you and your neighbors crazy. The good news is, regardless of how annoying your dog barking is, you can train it out them. Most pooches are intelligent creatures who want to make their owner happy. Once you figure out what training method works for your particular fur baby, you can start working on putting an end to the incessant barking.

Figure out your dog’s triggers

Pups use whimpering and barking as a way to communicate with their owners. If you want them to stop the incessant barking, you must know what caused it in the first place. So watch your dog and learn what sets them off before beginning a plan of action. It could be many things, such as a delivery, seeing movement outside the window, the vacuum cleaner, or noise coming from other household appliances.

Mask the triggering sounds

Once you figured out what sounds set off that constant irritating barking, masking it with something else may work in calming your dog down. Try turning on the TV, putting some music on the radio, or you can even buy a white noise machine. The idea is to keep your dog distracted from his usual set-offs with more calming noises he’s already used to.

Train them to talk and be quiet on command

It may seem counterproductive, but teaching your dog when it’s ok to bark will help make them learn when to be quiet. There are two commands here to play with, “talk” and “quiet.” Whenever your puppy starts barking, tell them to “talk,” and as soon as they stop, say “quiet,” followed by giving them a treat and praise. Repeat the action with every opportunity, and eventually, your dog will learn to associate the “quiet” command with a tasty treat. You may want to use higher grade treats your dog loves, such as cheese, for this particular command.

Keep your calm and don’t scream at your pet

Screaming will likely make your poor animal bark even louder. You must remember that training a canine requires calm and patience. If you start yelling at them whenever they’re annoying you with incessant barking, you might end up with an even louder dog. As tempted as you may feel to holler “shut up!” to when your dog just won’t stop, try to remain calm and remember how counterproductive your action would be.

Reward your dog for good behavior

According to the theory of Positive Reinforcement, rewarding your pet for good behavior will encourage them to want to repeat said action. When training your dog, it’s important to have a treat bag with you, and every time they do something good – in this case, refrain from barking at the mailman – give them a treat. They will slowly learn how impulse control is the way forward to receiving tasty treats. Don’t just rely on treats tho, also make sure you pet your dog and reinforce how good they are every time the behavior matches your expectations,

A tired dog is a good dog

Sometimes, your pooch will simply decide to bark their little throats out purely out of boredom. When you get a new pet, it’s imperative to make sure they get enough exercise and mental stimulation. While some breeds may be more active than others, the one thing all dogs have in common is a need for walkies and playtime. If you ensure they have all their exercise needs met throughout the day, the barking will be significantly reduced.

Correct their behavior

This technique might take some time, but if done correctly, you can say goodbye to annoying dog barking forever. As your pet will often make some noise every time there’s someone at the door, ask your guests to bring treats If your visitors have a tasty biscuit whenever they come knocking, it will teach your pup that people at the door are not a threat. Then the barking will instead turn into an excited wagging tail.

Ignore it

As difficult as this may sound, dogs often bark because they want your attention. If you stop giving it, the pooch may stop this method. Whenever your dog begins their routine, turn your back at it, or even leave the room. Only return once the noise has stopped and reward your pup with a treat. This method might take a while to work, but eventually, your dog will figure out barking is not the way to get itself noticed by you.

Distract them with a puzzle

Dogs are highly intelligent creatures, and they love solving a good puzzle. Especially if that particular puzzle leads them to a tasty treat like peanut butter or cheese. Whenever they start barking, try filling up a  toy with something they really love so they can try to get to the bottom of the puzzle. Your pooch will find themselves distracted and might even forget about what got it barking in the first place.

When it’s time to seek a professional

Despite your best training efforts, some dogs will simply not stop barking. After you used several methods to correct your pet’s behavior without any success, it may just be the time to bring out a professional. Check your local area for dog behavior specialist and training classes that could make a good fit for your pup.