How to use React createContext in Typescript?

Sometimes, we want to use React createContext in Typescript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to use React createContext in Typescript.

How to use React createContext in Typescript?

To use React createContext in Typescript, we need to define the types for the context props.

For instance, we write

import React, { useReducer } from "react";
import { initialState, IState, reducer } from "./reducer";

interface IContextProps {
  state: IState;
  dispatch: ({ type }: { type: string }) => void;

export const AdminStore = React.createContext({} as IContextProps);

export function AdminStoreProvider(props: any) {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);

  const value = { state, dispatch };
  return (
    <AdminStore.Provider value={value}>{props.children}</AdminStore.Provider>

to create the IContextProps interface and use that as the type for the value prop in AdminStore.Provider by writing

export const AdminStore = React.createContext({} as IContextProps);

IState is a type that we created to add types to the value prop values.

Now the TypeScript compiler should use the types and type errors should clear.


To use React createContext in Typescript, we need to define the types for the context props.