How to Wrap a Function with JavaScript?

Sometimes, we want to wrap a function with JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll look at how to wrap a function with JavaScript.

Wrap a Function with JavaScript

To wrap a function with JavaScript, we can return a function inside a function.

For instance, we write:

const wrap = (someFunction) => {
  const wrappedFunction = (...args) => {
    const newArgs = [...args, 'another argument']
    return someFunction(...newArgs)
  return wrappedFunction

const doThing = (...args) => {
  console.log('do thing', args)

const wrappedDoThing = wrap(doThing)
wrappedDoThing('one', 'two', 'three')
doThing('one', 'two', 'three')

We have the wrap function that takes the someFunction function.

Then we define the wrappedFunction function inside the it that takes an unlimited amount of arguments.

We use the rest operator to get all the arguments and put them into the args array.

Next, we define the newArgs array with all the args spread into the array.

And we put 'another argument' into it as its last element.

Then we call someFunction with newArgs‘s element as the arguments by spreading it.

Finally, we return the wrappedFunction function.

Next, we have the doThing function that takes an unlimited number ofd arguments and we get them with the rest operator in an array and log them all.

Then we call wrap with doThing and assign it to wrappedDoThing.

Now we call wrappedDoThing and doThing with the same arguments.

And we should see:

"do thing", ["one", "two", "three", "another argument"]
"do thing", ["one", "two", "three"]

logged in the console.

We see that the first entry has an extra argument since we called wrappedFunction which is returned in wrap.

That added the extra argument.


To wrap a function with JavaScript, we can return a function inside a function.