7 tips to Spice Up Your Sex Life

tips to Spice Up Your Sex Life

No matter how happy you are, the sex component can take a downward turn in any relationship. It can be due to stress, hormones, or living with your partner for so long. Therefore, as things start to get a bit monotonous in your bedroom, it is possible to spice them up again. Pillow talks, date nights, and looking sexy may not be helpful. All you need are fresh sex tips. Research online, ask friends and experts on what helps to spice things up. Below are 7 tips to help spice up your sex life.

  1. Hire a sex coach 

Still in a rut after trying various tips to spice up your sex life? It is better to hire a sex coach. It may be your partner is shy talking about improving your sex life, or you struggle to get an orgasm, and he always does. Such cases need you to get a good sex coach to help save your relationship. Choose from the best resources, where you will learn a lot about elevating your sex life, your sexual health, and fascinating things about sex you did not know. For instance, the clitoris has 18 different parts, the types of orgasms you can both achieve, among other things. Plus, through the coach, you can ask anything freely.

  1. Write down a list of fantasies
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Create a list of fantasies you would love to try together. If it interests either of you, write it down in your list of exciting ideas. Write it down on the ‘may be’ list if it only excites one of you, and you can consider it later. Making a list together of your fantasies is fun. Plus, talking about them helps to keep things hot between the two of you. Through communicating about your sexual pleasures, it helps you fantasize consensually. In this way, you focus on pleasure in the bedroom with less or no hesitation.

  1. Send your partner a special delivery
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It is sweet to send flowers, but something suggestive for a change is better. For instance, you can buy your partner some lingerie. It is a gift and a way to signal you want to spice things up later. Therefore, go ahead and do some surprise online shopping. And let your partner know they matter and you are thinking about them. It can also be a sex toy or lube, something provocative, to help set the intimacy pace.

  1. Try a couple’s vibrator 

Having a sex toy as part of the mix is like having a third party with no emotional attachment. If you are both open to trying out a couple’s vibrator, research the best for you, just like you would for beauty products. Do you want one that vibrates, penetrates, or pulsing? Research, and buy the one that would suit your desires. Importantly, look for quality, gender-neutral, and body-safe toys. 

  1. Have fun together 
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Sometimes having fun together is all you need to spark passion in the bedroom. Try out a new restaurant, take a lesson together, go on a hike together, among other things both of you love doing. Doing a fun activity makes you pay attention to your partner. As a result, it builds desire, and this is a form of foreplay. Therefore, plan a day every month that you choose an activity to do together, to make it fun and mysterious for the other. 

  1. Take away your senses 

Blindfold your partner and take away their senses. For instance, you can blindfold them and experiment with melted wax, feathers, or coconut oil. Not being able to hear or see heightens the anticipation. The mystery and surprise are what make it exciting. However, this feels more comfortable with a long-term partner, not a new one your yet to trust. 

  1. Get a room 
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Everyday life is full of messy chaos and is not a turn-on. But, a hotel room with a tidy bed, room service, and a do not disturb sign is an idea turn on. So, surprise your partner with a staycation for sex for a change. Use this opportunity to talk, snuggle and have a drink together. In this way, you relax, and you are open to what happens next.