Five Foods That Could Ruin Your Sex Life

1. Salt

High sodium intake is a major contributor to high blood pressure, which, according to a recent study from Tulane University, causes erectile dysfunction that can’t be treated with ED drugs.

2. Soy

A Harvard study found that a diet high in soy can lead to erectile dysfunction. That’s because the bean’s estrogenic properties decrease testosterone levels.

3. Canned Food

Inside almost every can is a lining that contains BPA. Men exposed to high levels of this are four times more likely to report erectile dysfunction and seven times more likely to report problems with ejaculation.

4. Trans Fats

These are among the worst macronutrients for cardiovascular health­—and successful erections are dependent on an efficiently functioning heart.

5. Sugar

Studies show that testosterone levels can decrease by as much as 25 percent after a blood-sugar spike. When testosterone drops, so does something else.