7 Life Lessons to Help Us Grow

1. Love is the secret. Discovering love in everything because love is why we are here. To give, receive and perpetuate love is one of the reasons of our existence. Romantic love, friendship love, peaceful love, quiet and unassuming love, joyful love, soul shattering, mind-blowing, passionate kissing, love. All love.

2. Integrity is one of the most important moral qualities to nourish. We are born into this world alone and with death we enter into the next phase alone. Integrity that keeps our heads held high and our shoulders back, even when no one’s looking, is what we take with us when we leave this earth. Adhering to integrity helps make us complete and whole when all else may fall apart.

3. Letting go of the relationships that hurt and hinder is key to not only happiness but personal growth and discovery. Being honest with ourselves, who we are, and who we want to be, is part of what we are here to learn. It takes strength to let these relationships go and we must trust that we know better than anyone else what is best for our hearts and souls that are moving forward.

4. Being gentle in our words and slow to speak is a precious skill to master.So often we talk on things we know nothing about. Silence is sacred and a secret that many will never master. Words have a power that we cannot see but can be more powerful than physical strength. Respect that power with intentional thoughtfulness.

5. We are continuously changing and must be committed to growing with our loved ones. Internalizing the understanding that we are continuously in flux keeps us aware of the importance of growing with our partners, family and friends. Change is happening and is an essential part of this journey. This time is fleeting and many times so are our views on life and our endeavors that we pursue; support the ones you love.

6. Offering support when you feel strong and being willing to take support when you feel weak will be your constant in a world that is full of arduous paths. Love is the understanding that we all are fighting a battle that is exhausting at every turn, all pain is equal through the eyes of the victim. There will be inevitable and continual ebbs and flows in our journeys, helping one another is crucial to our success as a whole.

7. Doing something creative every day is just as important as our daily exercise. Mundane routine keeps us from our full potential and can arguably be the scariest part of human existence. Doing something differently than we have in the past allows us to see the infinite possibilities of transformation. Attempting to view the world in a different light opens up our hearts and souls to be able to perceive truth and who we are meant to be in a world that is full of routine existence.