Now I personally don’t post on my own Instagram page since I got it, (God knows when). I just never got around to posting my life because I rather just avoid all the drama and the competitiveness that comes along with social media.
However, I do like Instagram and now and then I will peruse over others pages just to see what’s new and exciting.
It’s definitely a useful tool when it comes to photography, quotes and overall being updated on how your besties are doing and what is new and improved in their lives.
However, I have noticed something quite popular once people either find themselves in relationships or are perhaps engaged for instance, and particularly for women, I have noticed that their Instagram pages end up becoming solely about their relationship and their significant other.
No, I am not being a hater because love is indeed a beautiful thing and when it is found you are exuberant. You feel blessed and grateful to have someone in your life who can share in your ups and downs and who actually connects with your soul.
But ladies, please do not make your Instagram all about your man.
Be creative, post sexy pictures of yourself and celebrate being a woman. Post photos of memories you know you will never gain again, post inspiring quotes that not only motivate you but get others inspired and excited by your page so much that they are hooked and want more of what you have to offer.
But constantly posting photos of you and your significant other leads to lack of variation in your page.
Your Instagram page should ultimately keep people on their toes and wondering what else it is you have in store to share.
Even though I don’t post on the account I have right now, I definitely know that if I did post it wouldn’t be all about me and my man because one, there are certain aspects to your relationship that should just be kept a little private, seeing how social media gets the whole world involved in your life, and two my life is a story and it involves more than just one chapter and if I open up to the world, several chapters are able to be unfolded.
Your life is a story and there are many amazing experiences that come along with yours. The ups and downs, the good, the amazing, the fascinating, share it. Use social media as a tool to be as creative and gripping as possible.
I also get the sense that when couples constantly post overly zealous photos about their love life with the #missingyoumore and more and #youareallIneed, it’s almost as though as women we now define our happiness by our relationship status as if happiness can’t be found anywhere else.
Gals, we know you love your man, but let’s give the #love posts a little rest for a while and then I promise you can always go back!
We get it, I promise we do, but give us a chance to see more of you as a person and to really see your whole story and how it unfolds.
You can browse Instagram using this Instagram Web Viewer.